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Arising from the ashes will ascend into legends

September 15, 2019
 Frozen Dreams - Rising From The Ashes

The mysterious intrigue of the introduction sets mystical shades to the beginning of The Night Of No Tomorrow composition, continuing with accenting keyboard notes. The introduction of vocals is shrouded in vortices of unbridled drive, preserving a bewitching melody in the couplet and offering the banner of the solemn hymn in the chorus. Breath Of Immortality continues the Frozen Dreams - Rising From The Ashes album with a mystical mystery, enveloping the rapid flow of musical drive. The introduction of vocals subordinates the musical variations of the vocal part.
Inspiring with a mesmerizing intro, guitars passages are intertwined with keyboards motifs in an enchanting dance, wrapping vocals phrases with epic lace of ancient legends and remaining at the forefront of the Land Of Destruction musical image. Erecting intriguing halls of ghostly outlines, the introduction of Ride The Endless Star composition sets the direction for the development of the main motive, ascending with the epic atmosphere of a majestic anthem, enveloping vocal phrases with bewitching variations of symphonic inspiration.
Walking through the majestic procession of enchanting melody Ride The Endless Star in anticipation of the introduction of vocals, it accelerates the pace, enveloping the rhythm of the section with swirls of sparkling keyboard variations. Vocals initially return the charm of an epic narrative, however instrumental bridges fly away in sharp swiftness. Title track Rise From The Ashes continues the musical narration in a swift drive, giving special significance to the musical passages of the bass guitar. The completion of the album Tears Of Agony attaches particular importance to the gloomy banners of the majestic anthem and the enchanting variations of instrumental bridges.