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May the impure beings be with us

August 25, 2019
Natanas - Impure

Exploding into swift drives shrouded in gloomy trends of mystical echoes, vocals are limited by wordless screams and rare phrases, erecting arches of intriguing mystery at the beginning of the album, continuing with the gloomy mystery of the Natanas - Impure title composition, sternly, painfully and viscously marching through the gloomy fog, then enveloping the mysterious tunes of obscure vocals and musical sparkling motifs with ghostly fetters. But the final part of the composition reveals this dusk with a blade of furious drive.
Thrashing about in the vague doubts of the introduction, the Coward Lies Fallow musical canvas painstakingly searches for the development of the main motive, rushing from side to side in the dusk of doubt and the fog of indefinite ambiguity. But then the vocal finds the path of the gloomy musical canvas of the dark anthem, completing the composition with a leisurely proud procession.
Affectus Significatione HabentContinuing the album with painful unhurried thoughtfulness, the musical narration of one song binds into a procession through a thick fog, exploring vocal phrases of obscure ways through this twilight darkness. The vocals is varying screaming and growling styles. The furious drum roll of the Green Lion introduction smashes into smithereens before the confident and unhurried procession of a musical procession led by unhurried vocal prophecies. Thrice Greatest concludes the album with viscous musical twilight, entwining vocal phrases with mysterious ghostly covers and vague forebodings.