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Each kingdom leaves so peculiar impressions

January 13, 2019
Dimlight - Kingdom Of Horrors

The mysterious sacrament precedes the introduction by The Red King obscure melodies of the invisible priests, weaving enchanting symphonic lace, drawing vocal phrases into the mysterious cycle of the epic narration of the Dimlight - Kingdom Of Horrors album. Then the drive carries these fabulous melodies and combines them in a bewitching union with the harsh metal. Then the harsh darkness is transformed by the enchanting ascension of female vocals, predetermining the essence of the album.
The impetuous drive takes the winds of the intro, then the singing lady brings the female vocals to the forefront narratives, but a deep growl gives the Beryl Eyes composition nuances of significant gloom.
The symphonic laces of the epic melodies and the chorals that complement them give the We, The Bones introduction shades of grandeur, the female vocals complement these musical streams with indescribable charm and the male complements with a furious drive.
Beginning with the fascinating mystery of a brooding symphony, which generates the sensual melodies of the female vocals Into The Thrice Unknown Darkness brings up the brooding lace of majestic romance.
Epic chants of the Beyond The Gates Of Horror song in their solemn significance complement the album with the trends of legendary fairy tales, enveloping the brooding vocal narration with charming covers of invisible predictions.
Keeping inspiration from obscure fairy tales and the symphonic epic of legendary legends, leaving a furious growling into the background of the melodies of invisible spirits brings a tinge of harsh drive to the The Ecstasy Of The Hunt sound, appealing to musical support, but the flow of musical drive complements sensual female vocals.
Dark inspiration envelops vocal excursions in a round dance of symphonic ghosts, weaving majestic lace of obscure Tower Of Silence inspiration around harsh and thoughtful phrases.
Preserving the fabulous atmosphere and epic character of the narrative Serpents Pact condenses the sound, giving the alternation of male and female vocals a more severe and energetic character, while maintaining the charming epic of forgotten legends.
Weaving a fascinating lace from brooding tales with female vocals and dark tales with a male growling Lapis Animae weaves an incredible canvas, varying musical ideas in a fascinating palette of various legends.
The epic tunes of the guards foreshadow the introduction of the Bleeding Sunrise composition, which completes the album with significant thoughtfulness, the vocals arise from time to time, giving the nuances to the narrative canvas and giving it such fascinating colors and trends.