The Through The Storm musical introduction appeals to the muffled meditations of female vocals, braiding the delicate reflections of female vocals with mysterious sparks and then raising vocal phrases to the top of the musical stream. Under Water continues the Adelfia! - Inner Ocean album, building a compositional structure for alternating tunes of male and female vocals, combining sensual tenderness and angry rage in a constant dance.
The angry recitative of male vocals calls for an acceleration of pace, then intertwining in the alternation of harsh and clean vocals around the axis of Catch A Breeze musical motifs and retreating with them in front of the gentle tunes of female vocals. The soft electronic impulses of the bewitching Memories melody are then complemented by the harsh phrases of male vocals and the gentle tunes of female vocals. Bringing the vocal procession of male vocals to the forefront of the musical image, rolling the variations of harsh and clean, It Remains To Go then captivates with the tunes of female vocals and the dreamy thoughts of the male one.
Introducing doubts into introduction Who We Are then proceeds with the development of a romantic ballad. Electronic impulses are combined in the sparkling mystery of an obscure progression, introducing a certain mystery into the introduction of Misery composition. The guitar solo of the I Found You introduction introduces progressive improvisations of the guitar solo, then backtracking the musical narrative from the charm of female vocals, then blending with it in a mesmerizing dance.
The harsh angry phrases of male vocals complement female vocals in pauses with a background repetition of the name of the M. O. R. A. L. song, then complementing its sound with gentle tunes of enchanting melody. The The Real You as furious drive preserving power alternates male and female vocals in the vocal part, crowning the musical image with sparkling clouds of keyboard variations, that is dominating with a romantic charm in the Frozen - final album's song.