Stretched, viscous and unhurried Nothing Dreamt motifs starts the Ghold - Stoic album in a thick, thick sounding, slowly hovering around the vocal phrases. Then the music rhythmic blows vkolochivaet further path, the vocal parts become more severe and nervous. After this tough rhythmic procession, the music submits to the proud vocal phrases, completing this celebration with mild muffled meditations, continuing into the introduction of the next composition.
Reflections becomes something cosmic, distant invisible spirits complement them with their voices in the Blue Robe introduction. Actually, these fabulous chants are the only vocal influence on this instrumental arrangement.
Severe menacing Ruptured Earth (Head In Sand) intro, enveloping the atmosphere of motivating anxiety, turns into pensive, meticulous reflections in search of getting rid of these omens. Vocals supplements these delights with notats of nervous emotions. But - the output is found, the pride for the solution of the problem is filled with proud vocal and musical musical decisions.
Muted, invisible and frightening mysterious atmosphere of the sacrament Faeder Ure are reduced to the noise of ghostly charms hiding in the shadows of gloomy catacombs. The eerie howl of the obscure demons completes this frightening song.
The obscure atmosphere of the mysterious dark dungeon continues to press us into a mysterious frightening calm Skhul V story, wanderers making their way through these catacombs, crowded with vampires, ghosts, dread undead warriors and all sorts of vicious evil spirits Beginning with a stream of furious drive, Skhul VI is sweeping away through the hordes of evil spirits and undead in all directions, militantly marching toward selected goals, powerful blows paving their way through the eternal evil beings.