The intriguing intro of Hannya composition concludes with a vocal variety, reminiscent of the epic narration of the Ruins of Perception - Shinigami album's verbose composition.
Weaving the artistic lace of the musical composition of the Demigod song inrigates the listener, soaring a single epic narrative of an ancient fairy tale and a fascinating variety in the procession of the Realm Ov The Allreading Moon majestic march.
The gloomy atmosphere of musical mystery creates an enveloping atmosphere for the vocal narrative of the Nocturnal Breed composition.
tThe Jigokucho twilight keyboards symphony anticipates the insistent ascension of the Son Ov Pestilence composition and the tenacity and tough sound of the Hollowfication musical march.
Rolling in waves of twilight march, the Zabimaru song combines vocal diversity with a twilight symphony, anticipating the submerged unity in the whirlwind of the Necrotic Enchantment album's final composition.