The harsh guitar solo is completed by a shot that anticipating the entry of vocals, which crowns the compounds of the Judgement Slay mid-tempo musical march. The drumroll of the Toxic Wormsintro the feeling of the upcoming battle march, rolling the gloomy mystery of vocals appeals and progressive musical breaks, expanding the stylistic framework of the Hypoxic - A New Way Of Death album. Introduction It seems to anticipate the coming power and the drive of the musical thriller, but the sound of the Havoc songs again marches in a measured procession.
The Dod vocal part in the harsh significance of a restrained rage goes to the forefront of gloomy ballads, enveloping the harsh vocals appeals to the armor of musical severity. Guitar solo instrumental part only briefly accelerates the pace, retreating before the vocal anger. But the vocals are transformed with epic handles of clean vocals. But then the sound of the Morkets Tjern epic saga is again transformed by vocal fierce. Guitar Solo Introduction Spreads a Sailband Basic Motive, which then finally accelerates it together with vocals wrath. The intro's guitar solo is woving the musical canvas of the I Owe You Pain main motive, which then finally accelerates it united with the vocals fury.
In anticipation of the vocal urge, the Psycho War music is spinning in the mysterious anticipation of further development, then the Hunter And The Prey composition immediately rolls the waves of musical passages. The Killdozer track finally creates an atmosphere of a fierce musical thriller. The A New Way Of Death title composition of the album completes it in the sound manner characteristic of it, sometimes blowing up with the fierce swiftness of instrumental bridges.