Inspirational trends of musical dreams are lifted by enchanting musical threads, bringing the limits of dreams to perception and interlocking in my thoughts the bewitching lace of inspired discoveries. Keyboards dreams crowns the Like a Yes musical narrative and elevates thoughts into sky-high instrumental expanses. Then, in the foreground of the progressive sagas of the Wish (ITA) - Stay Here My Friends album, alarmed doubts and unclear forebodings of possible disasters come. Music rolls in waves of throbbing anxiety, forcing gloomy forebodings of possible unpleasant surprises. But then the keyboard suite raises the sparkling banners of the solemn hymn, bewitching the listener with its grandeur. Pensive and significant vocal phrases appears in the sound of Deep Wish composition.
Gently and pensively, the chime of guitar notes weaves the enchanting lace of the Dancing with Myself bewitching ballad with vocal phrases, enveloping and crowning the musical image with inspired covers of keyboard symphonies. Weaving a bewitching musical canvas from guitar and keyboard passages Scrambled Eggs continues the album with an incredibly varied instrumental suite - alternating sometimes with pulsing notes of obscure anxiety, then raising banners of majestic valor.
The keyboard symphony comes to the forefront of the musical image of the Church composition, then introducing vocal phrases into the mesmerizing mystery of the unhurried flow of a majestic anthem, enveloping vocal reflections with notes of a keyboard symphony. The title track Stay Here My Friends completes the album, artistically and progressively weaving a bewitching musical lace. An unobtrusive and highly variable duet appears in the vocal part.