Power and melody are combined in the mesmerizing sound of the Plateau of the Past song, combining the Alastor (Aut) - Sumava album's melody and significance in a single musical flow. The vocals alternate and combine screaming and growling vocals. The Of our Kind continues the musical narration of the album, at first twisting vocal doubts in a swift whirlwind, then concentrating in a mid-tempo and viscous pensiveness. The weeping introduction lends a mystical flavor to the epic funeral procession of the Variszic Ruins composition.
Music and vocals are intertwined in a dance of frantic drive with echoes of the symphonic influences of the Silva - The Wild Hunt composition. The No Mark by Men Prevailed impetuous race of frantic drive enthralls vocals and music into the unity of an unrestrained dance, sometimes distracting by instrumental bridges preceding the chorus. The brooding symphony of the No Mans Land song combines melody and drive in a single unity with the echoes of oriental folklore.
The rhythmic pulsation of the There is Nothing Left buttTo Mourn The Fallen musical heartbeat continues the atmosphere of the album, with the introduction of vocals accelerating the tempo of the music in unrestrained impetuosity. Rising into a swift whirlwind of frantic drive, the Askese then lifts the vocal phrases to the crest of musical waves in symphonic charm. The Northern Firestorm continues the melodic charm of unity with variable drive trendsIce and Nature track puts an end to the album's musical narration.