The percussion crossing of the Hell shamanic ritual sets the mood of the Boicot - Evil Master album entering the energetic and fierce S musical thriller, combining vocal rage and musical energy in a single musical stream. The Tierra De Nadie begins by the unrestrained energy of a guitar solo, spreading the musical canvas of the main motive, according to which the unrestrained vocal batch of the violent storytemer is marching.
Starting with the rhythmic solo bass guitar, the Fakin' Moshpit then alternately there is an unrestrained swiftness with medium-dimensional meditation. The Thrash Squad takes a restrained rapidness, then deriving the vocal batch to the forefront of the musical image. The Holocausto immediately explodes with unrestrained fury of deadly dance, asking the mood of a fierce musical thriller, continuing such a sound in a more straight and unrestrained Boicot track that demolished all the obstacles away from the chosen musical path.
After rhythmic pulsationsof the Holy Killers bass guitar intro, the vocal part attracts focus on its phrases. Then the Demons Night unrestrained rage of angry guitar riffs demolides any obstacles on the way of their musical stream.
Music and vocals are combined in the solar fury of the processing in the gloomy solemnity of the Evil Master dark anthem. Acoustic instrumental romance Quetzal completes the album.