The intriguing musical darkness of the intro ends with a rapid explosion of the musical thrust of the Cathartic Sacrament of the Cattle Goddess song, billowing with a swift twilight flight into the ghostly haze of the Vile Haint - Sacrificial Baptism in Murky Waters album's sound, displaying in its sound a distorted grinding of vocal phrases, as if a manifestation of demonic prophecies that foreshadow disasters and the machinations of evil spells.
Weaving a twilight lace of musical veils, the Unrest in Moonlit Grave solemn anthem lifts up banners of honor to dark temptations and wicked thoughts, praising and praising evil premonitions and gloomy prophecies. Then, from time to time in a twilight haze, the vocals is tending to move to the fore, but getting bogged down with a vocal step in the twilight musical abyss.
Music and vocals combine in a joint unrestrained whirlwind of the musical story of the Upon the Throne of Restless Vision composition, sometimes bringing mysterious guitar additions to the unrestrained flight of the main motif.
The final part of the album reveals the twilight essence of mysterious omens, beginning with the intriguing haze of the From the Abyss that Yawns intro, which is then pierced and scattered by a dark blade of unrestrained drive, dissecting the ghostly obscurity in unity with demonic vocals screaming. The final composition completes the mysterious tales of the album of the Torches Illuminate the Bleeding Walls harsh and significant solemn dark anthem.