Dreamily and sparklingly beginning the musical narrative of the The Omnific - Kismet instrumental album, the Proem charms with a combination of dreamy echoes and vague speculation, suggesting an imitative enchantment and, at times, enthralling with obscure thoughts. Guitar improvisations are progressively combined with keyboard symphonies creating the background atmosphere for the Objets De Vertu track, complementing each other in a single lace of artistic inspiration.
Romantic reveries are embodied in the unhurried procession of the Bugbear musical revelations - as if bringing echoes of childhood and impressions of new discoveries. The album's title track Kismet complements it with some echoes of Tibetan monk tunes and sublime music, brought as if from divine chambers.
The romantic reveries of the That's All She Wrote musical extravaganza create echoes of memories of communicating with her, which left its mark in the heart and soul. The Condemned composition continues to develop these romantic moods, artistically and progressively complicating all kinds of musical variations.
The Ersatz track sounds lifeless, mechanical and disturbing, as if machines and mechanisms rhythmically beat their mark on human souls and minds. The Sonorous Pt. 2 composition completes the musical narrative of the album, remaining committed to the leitmotif.