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Arturo Toscanini

Arturo Toscanini
Ludwig van Beethoven: Overtures
RCA Records
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[Perfomed by NBC Symphony Orchestra
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Ludwig van Beethoven: Overtures

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# Track title Length Lyrics
1 Beethoven Ludwig - Ouverture "Leonore" III op. 72a 13:12
2 Beethoven Ludwig - Ouverture 'Die Weihe des Hauses", op. 124 09:43
3 Beethoven Ludwig - Ouverture "Coriolan" op. 62 06:56
4 Beethoven Ludwig - Ouverture "Egmont" op. 84 08:35
5 Beethoven Ludwig - Ouverture "Die Geschopfe des Prometheus" op. 43 04:59
6 Beethoven Ludwig - Ouverture "Leonore" II op. 72b 13:13
7 Beethoven Ludwig - Quartet F Dur, op. 135 (I) 08:32
8 Beethoven Ludwig - Quartet F Dur, op. 135 (II) 03:00