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Capella de la Torre

Capella de la Torre
Claudio Monteverdi: Memories (feat. Katharina Bäuml)
Deutsche Harmonia Mundi
Type :
Featuring Katharina Bauml
Also suggested:

Claudio Monteverdi: Memories (feat. Katharina Bäuml)

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Movete al mio bel suon, SV 154:3 stereo 9.84 Mb 320 04:18 0.18€
2 Introduzione al ballo, SV 154:1: Entrata e Passeggio stereo 4.74 Mb 320 02:04 0.15€
3 Confitebor tibi Domine III (Alla francese), SV 267 stereo 13.96 Mb 320 06:05 0.2€
4 Zefiro Torna e di soavi accenti, SV 251 stereo 12.86 Mb 320 05:37 0.19€
5 Soave libertate, SV 130 stereo 9.82 Mb 320 04:17 0.18€
6 Damigella, SV 235 stereo 6.22 Mb 320 02:42 0.16€
7 Deus tuorum militum, SV 280 stereo 5.63 Mb 320 02:27 0.16€
8 Vespro della Beata Vergine: Sonata sopra Sancta Maria, SV 206:11 stereo 17.01 Mb 320 07:25 0.22€
9 Confitebor tibi Domine II, SV 266 stereo 11.67 Mb 320 05:05 0.19€
10 Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius, SV 287 stereo 11.08 Mb 320 04:50 0.19€
11 Ohime ch'io cado, SV 316 stereo 9.76 Mb 320 04:15 0.18€
12 Il ballo delle ingrate. SV 167 stereo 12.16 Mb 320 05:18 0.19€
13 Chiome d'oro, SV 143 stereo 10.75 Mb 320 04:41 0.18€
14 Sanctorum meritis, SV 277 stereo 6.37 Mb 320 02:46 0.16€
15 Giovinetta, SV 241 stereo 9.84 Mb 320 04:17 0.18€
16 Beatus vir qui timet Dominum, SV 268 stereo 18.56 Mb 320 08:06 0.22€
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Total time:01:14:13
Total size:170.29 Mb
Total price:2.93