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Hamon, Pierre

Hamon, Pierre
Lucente Stella. Moyen Age - XXe siecle
Opus 111
Also suggested:

Lucente Stella. Moyen Age - XXe siecle

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Lai du chevrefeuille (anonyme, XIIIe siecle) stereo 9.51 Mb 320 04:09 0.18€
2 Lucente stella (ballata anonyme, XIVe siecle) stereo 10.92 Mb 320 04:46 0.18€
3 Belicha (istanpitta anonyme, XIVe siecle) stereo 17.58 Mb 320 07:40 0.22€
4 Mes cuers est emprisonnes (rondeau anonyme, XIIIe siecle) stereo 1.84 Mb 320 00:48 0.14€
5 Nota (anonyme, XIIIe siecle) stereo 2.96 Mb 320 01:17 0.14€
6 In pro (istanpitta anonyme, XIVe siecle) stereo 12.77 Mb 320 05:34 0.19€
7 Makoto SHINOHARA. Fragmente (1968) stereo 17.49 Mb 320 07:38 0.22€
8 Guillaume de MACHAUT. Tels rit au main (complainte) stereo 11.44 Mb 320 04:59 0.19€
9 Non perch'i' speri, donna (ballata anonyme, XIVe siecle) stereo 5.01 Mb 320 02:11 0.16€
10 Chominciamento di gioia (istanpitta anonyme, XIVe siecle) stereo 15.81 Mb 320 06:54 0.21€
11 Maki ISHII. Black Intention (1975) stereo 23.02 Mb 320 10:03 0.25€
12 Chanson du papillon (chanson des Indiens du pueblo Laguna) stereo 9.41 Mb 320 04:06 0.18€
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Total time:01:00:05
Total size:137.76 Mb
Total price:2.26