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Friedberger, Matthew

Friedberger, Matthew
Matricidal Sons of Bitches
Rock  /  Folk
Thrill Jockey
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Matricidal Sons of Bitches

Show entire discography
# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: The Neighbours stereo 3.99 Mb 256 02:10 0.15€
2 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: "Fleeing Plus Pursuing" stereo 1.43 Mb 256 00:46 0.14€
3 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: "Tell Me What it is You Want, Boys" stereo 4.5 Mb 256 02:27 0.15€
4 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: "You're Getting Yourself Worked Up" stereo 3.84 Mb 256 02:05 0.15€
5 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: "Same Every Night" stereo 4.42 Mb 256 02:24 0.15€
6 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: "Wondering What, Exactly?" stereo 1.38 Mb 256 00:45 0.14€
7 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: Drifting Down the Alleys stereo 1.08 Mb 256 00:35 0.14€
8 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: Frustration by the Boulevards stereo 1.6 Mb 256 00:52 0.14€
9 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: "Pursuit, Less Acute" stereo 0.82 Mb 256 00:26 0.13€
10 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: "I'm Sure it's... For the Best" stereo 2.08 Mb 256 01:08 0.14€
11 Ladies in Waiting- Waiting Forever: "But at the Door- Is it Him?" stereo 3.5 Mb 256 01:54 0.15€
12 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: Matricidal Sons of Bitches stereo 1.18 Mb 256 00:38 0.14€
13 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: Over Again stereo 0.8 Mb 256 00:26 0.13€
14 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: "Can I Tell You Something?" stereo 4.6 Mb 256 02:30 0.15€
15 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: Making the Preparations stereo 1.38 Mb 256 00:45 0.14€
16 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: Zeroing in Across the Bar stereo 4.55 Mb 256 02:29 0.15€
17 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: Completing the Activity stereo 1.73 Mb 256 00:56 0.14€
18 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: The Next Morning stereo 3.26 Mb 256 01:46 0.15€
19 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: The Problem Becomes the Solution stereo 1.93 Mb 256 01:03 0.14€
20 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: Brand New Mothers stereo 7.32 Mb 256 03:59 0.17€
21 Brand New Mothers- Trying it Out: "What? Again? stereo 2.52 Mb 256 01:22 0.14€
22 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "What Will You Say?" stereo 0.94 Mb 256 00:30 0.13€
23 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "You Know What this Means, Don't You?" stereo 1.45 Mb 256 00:47 0.14€
24 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: Disappointed Dads stereo 7.36 Mb 256 04:01 0.17€
25 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "That's a Rendezvous and a Half!" stereo 1.03 Mb 256 00:33 0.14€
26 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "Well Make Your Calculations Quick" stereo 1.32 Mb 256 00:43 0.14€
27 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "Despite Yourself? Or to Spite Yourself" stereo 1.14 Mb 256 00:37 0.14€
28 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "As if in the Car with the Kids" stereo 4 Mb 256 02:10 0.15€
29 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: Paternal Perogatives stereo 2.26 Mb 256 01:13 0.14€
30 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "What Did You Do?" stereo 4.68 Mb 256 02:33 0.15€
31 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "Off You Go!" stereo 1.04 Mb 256 00:34 0.14€
32 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "Back and Forth" stereo 1.63 Mb 256 00:53 0.14€
33 Expectant Fathers- In For a Surprise: "It's No Surprise to Me" stereo 2.38 Mb 256 01:18 0.14€
34 Dying on the Sixth Side: Early in the Morning and Late at Night stereo 2.22 Mb 256 01:12 0.14€
35 Dying on the Sixth Side: The View from the Top stereo 1.42 Mb 256 00:46 0.14€
36 Dying on the Sixth Side: Lying on the Sixth Side stereo 2.37 Mb 256 01:17 0.14€
37 Dying on the Sixth Side: Dying on the Sixth Side stereo 3.9 Mb 256 02:07 0.15€
38 Dying on the Sixth Side: Popping the Cork stereo 0.85 Mb 256 00:27 0.13€
39 Dying on the Sixth Side: Down to the Place stereo 0.44 Mb 256 00:14 0.13€
40 Dying on the Sixth Side: Seeing Double, Thinking Twice stereo 4.85 Mb 256 02:38 0.15€
41 Dying on the Sixth Side: "The Corpse Vanishes" stereo 2.51 Mb 256 01:22 0.14€
42 Dying on the Sixth Side: "You're Not Really Discouraged, Are You?" stereo 4.17 Mb 256 02:16 0.15€
43 Dying on the Sixth Side: Done at the Place stereo 0.82 Mb 256 00:26 0.13€
44 Dying on the Sixth Side: The View out the Basement Window stereo 1.43 Mb 256 00:46 0.14€
45 Dying on the Sixth Side: Working at the Cemetary- Again stereo 1.95 Mb 256 01:03 0.14€
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Total time:01:01:52
Total size:114.07 Mb
Total price:6.43