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Calloway, Rachel

Calloway, Rachel
Engel: Chamber Music & Folksongs
Toccata Classics
Also suggested:

Engel: Chamber Music & Folksongs

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Air (Jewish Melody) stereo 6.93 Mb 320 03:01 0.16€
2 Adagio misterioso (Chabad), Op. 22 stereo 11.47 Mb 320 05:00 0.19€
3 3 Yiddish Songs (Arr. L. Danto): No. 1, Nor nokh dir stereo 5.55 Mb 320 02:25 0.16€
4 3 Yiddish Songs (Arr. L. Danto): No. 2, Ritshkele stereo 6.49 Mb 320 02:49 0.16€
5 3 Yiddish Songs (Arr. L. Danto): No. 3, Akh! Nit gut! stereo 5.88 Mb 320 02:34 0.16€
6 Dybbuk Suite, Op. 35: I. For What Reason? - From Song of Songs stereo 11.8 Mb 320 05:09 0.19€
7 Dybbuk Suite, Op. 35: II. Beggars' Dances stereo 15.24 Mb 320 06:39 0.21€
8 Dybbuk Suite, Op. 35: III. Wedding March stereo 5.09 Mb 320 02:13 0.16€
9 Dybbuk Suite, Op. 35: IV. The Veiling of the Bride stereo 5.89 Mb 320 02:34 0.16€
10 Dybbuk Suite, Op. 35: V. Hassidic Melody stereo 5.64 Mb 320 02:27 0.16€
11 Dybbuk Suite, Op. 35: VI. From Song of Songs - For What Reason? (Reprise) stereo 10.15 Mb 320 04:26 0.18€
12 Jewish Folksongs: No. 14, Hen hu hivtiach li stereo 6.61 Mb 320 02:53 0.16€
13 2 Violin Pieces, Op. 20: No. 1, Chabad nigun (Arr. U. Vardi for Cello & Piano) stereo 7.24 Mb 320 03:09 0.17€
14 2 Violin Pieces, Op. 20: No. 2, Freylekhs stereo 9 Mb 320 03:56 0.18€
15 50 Children's Songs: No. 9, In der Suke stereo 3.15 Mb 320 01:22 0.15€
16 50 Children's Songs: No. 8, Shavues stereo 2.95 Mb 320 01:17 0.14€
17 50 Children's Songs: No. 1, Morgengebet stereo 2.81 Mb 320 01:13 0.14€
18 11 Children's Songs, Op. 36: No. 10, Zumerfeygele stereo 3.91 Mb 320 01:42 0.15€
19 Az ikh volt gehat dem keysers oystres, Op. 4 No. 2 stereo 8.57 Mb 320 03:44 0.17€
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Total time:58:33
Total size:134.36 Mb
Total price:3.15