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Seven Years of Server Data
Self Released / S-R
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Seven Years of Server Data

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Atempause stereo 4.7 Mb 320 02:03 0.15€
2 Vlem stereo 4.87 Mb 320 02:07 0.15€
3 BGC418 (feat. Big Giant Circles) stereo 9.24 Mb 320 04:02 0.18€
4 mau5cave (feat. Deadmau5) stereo 7.03 Mb 320 03:04 0.17€
5 The first unfinished song for the Minecraft documentary stereo 17.48 Mb 320 07:38 0.22€
6 The song I show if someone wants to hear a new Minecraft song stereo 2.04 Mb 320 00:53 0.14€
7 Tonic (C418's "I use this in my set" remix by Lusine Icl) stereo 9.29 Mb 320 04:03 0.18€
8 Lemons (C418's "I want this to be a complete song" mix by Weebl) stereo 6.49 Mb 320 02:50 0.16€
9 water stereo 4.03 Mb 320 01:45 0.15€
10 a fail stereo 4.31 Mb 320 01:52 0.15€
11 The weirdest remix I ever worked on. stereo 6.55 Mb 320 02:51 0.16€
12 Some really obscure ambient tune stereo 3.81 Mb 320 01:39 0.15€
13 komphund stereo 3.66 Mb 320 01:35 0.15€
14 Not Atlantis stereo 2.88 Mb 320 01:15 0.14€
15 Another weird ambient tune. stereo 5.24 Mb 320 02:17 0.16€
16 sirtet stereo 3.61 Mb 320 01:34 0.15€
17 What it would have sounded like if I were to DJ 5 years ago stereo 15.21 Mb 320 06:38 0.21€
18 Cobalt Something Something stereo 6.13 Mb 320 02:40 0.16€
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Total time:50:46
Total size:116.57 Mb
Total price:2.93