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Vincent Herring

Vincent Herring
Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent)
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Star Crossed Lovers (feat.) - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 2022 Star Crossed Lovers (feat.)
[Featuring Patty Lomuscio ]
9 00:41:32 320 97.19 Mb 1.66€
Hard Times - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 2017 Hard Times 11 01:08:54 320 157.92 Mb 2.22€
Night And Day - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 2015 Night And Day 10 01:02:25 320 143.05 Mb 2.02€
The Uptown Shuffle - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 2014 The Uptown Shuffle 9 01:08:26 320 156.8 Mb 1.95€
Friendly Fire (Split) - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 2012 Friendly Fire (Split)
[Split with Alexander, Eric ]
8 01:02:43 320 143.72 Mb 1.76€
Ends And Means - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 2005 Ends And Means 8 00:57:04 320 130.76 Mb 1.69€
Mr. Wizard - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 2004 Mr. Wizard 9 00:49:27 320 113.37 Mb 1.74€
Jobim For Lovers - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 1999 Jobim For Lovers 8 00:41:31 128 38.07 Mb 1.23€
Don't Let It Go - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 1995 Don't Let It Go 8 00:54:20 320 124.53 Mb 1.66€
Folklore - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 1994 Folklore 8 00:57:32 320 131.82 Mb 1.7€
Evidence - Vincent Herring (Herring, Vincent) 1990 Evidence 8 00:56:49 320 130.14 Mb 1.69€
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