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Otis Grand

Otis Grand
Otis Grand (Grand, Otis)
Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
Blues 65 - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 2013 Blues 65 13 01:02:40 320 144.53 Mb 2.41€
Otis Grand, Debbie Davies, Anson Funderburgh - Grand Union - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 2006 Otis Grand, Debbie Davies, Anson Funderburgh - Grand Union
[Tribute by Debbie Davies Funderburgh, Anson ]
13 01:08:20
Otis Grand & Joe Louis Walker - Guitar Brothers - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 2002 Otis Grand & Joe Louis Walker - Guitar Brothers
[Tribute by Joe Louis Walker ]
10 00:51:43 320 119.57 Mb 1.9€
Grand Union - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 1998 Grand Union 13 01:08:20 256 123.85 Mb 2.31€
Always Hot - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 1997 Always Hot 10 00:39:06 320 90.61 Mb 1.75€
Perfume & Grime - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 1996 Perfume & Grime 14 01:05:52 320 152.25 Mb 2.58€
Nothing Else Matters - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 1994 Nothing Else Matters 15 01:03:35 320 146.87 Mb 2.68€
Big Blues From Texas (split) - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 1994 Big Blues From Texas (split)
[Split with Walker, Phillip ]
12 00:58:10 320 133.39 Mb 2.23€
Otis Grand & Phillip Walker - Big Blues From Texas - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 1992 Otis Grand & Phillip Walker - Big Blues From Texas
[Tribute by Walker, Phillip ]
12 00:58:10 320 134.28 Mb 2.23€
He Knows The Blues - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 1992 He Knows The Blues 12 00:50:33 320 116.75 Mb 2.14€
My Way Or The Highway - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 1991 My Way Or The Highway 9 00:52:28 320 120.86 Mb 1.77€
My Way or the Highway (split) - Otis Grand (Grand, Otis) 1991 My Way or the Highway (split)
[Split with Guitar Shorty ]
9 00:52:28
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