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Manny Charlton Band

Manny Charlton Band
Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny)
Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Solo - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2016 Solo 11 00:54:24
Hellacious - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2013 Hellacious 11 00:50:50 320 116.62 Mb 2.01€
Ruby  (A 40th Anniversary Tribute To Nazaret) - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2009 Ruby (A 40th Anniversary Tribute To Nazaret)
[Tribute by Nazareth ]
19 01:17:40 192 111.72 Mb 3.03€
Then There's This - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2008 Then There's This 12 00:46:04 320 105.67 Mb 2.09€
Americana Deluxe - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2007 Americana Deluxe 11 00:55:00 320 126.15 Mb 2.06€
Sharp Re Loaded - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2005 Sharp Re Loaded 13 01:02:15
Say The Word - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2004 Say The Word 19 01:16:40 320 175.81 Mb 3.35€
Sharp - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2004 Sharp 14 00:56:19 320 129.25 Mb 2.47€
Klone This - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2003 Klone This 10 00:45:50 320 105.08 Mb 1.83€
Stonkin' - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2001 Stonkin' 9 00:55:09 320 126.39 Mb 1.8€
Bravado - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 2000 Bravado 14 01:13:31 320 168.55 Mb 2.66€
Drool - Manny Charlton Band (Charlton, Manny) 1999 Drool 14 01:10:30 320 161.65 Mb 2.63€
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