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Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Automaton - Jamiroquai 2017 Automaton 12 00:57:03
Automaton (Japanese Edition) - Jamiroquai 2017 Automaton (Japanese Edition) 13 01:01:43
Rock Dust Light Star - Jamiroquai 2010 Rock Dust Light Star 12 00:52:19
Rock Dust Light Star (Deluxe Edition) - Jamiroquai 2010 Rock Dust Light Star (Deluxe Edition) 18 01:17:23
Dynamite - Jamiroquai 2005 Dynamite 12 00:54:33 320 125.11 Mb 2.19€
A Funk Odyssey - Jamiroquai 2001 A Funk Odyssey 10 00:45:30 320 104.36 Mb 1.82€
Synkronized - Jamiroquai 1999 Synkronized 12 00:58:21 320 128.53 Mb 2.2€
Travelling Without Moving - Jamiroquai 1996 Travelling Without Moving 13 01:02:08 320 142.45 Mb 2.4€
Return of the Space Cowboy - Jamiroquai 1995 Return of the Space Cowboy 12 01:11:30 320 163.81 Mb 2.38€
Emergency On Planet Earth - Jamiroquai 1993 Emergency On Planet Earth 10 00:55:03 320 126.18 Mb 1.93€
Emergency On Planet Earth (20th Anniversary 2013 Edition: CD 1) - Jamiroquai 1993 Emergency On Planet Earth (20th Anniversary 2013 Edition: CD 1) 10 00:55:24
Emergency On Planet Earth (20th Anniversary 2013 Edition: CD 2) - Jamiroquai 1993 Emergency On Planet Earth (20th Anniversary 2013 Edition: CD 2) 10 01:06:26
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