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James Cotton

James Cotton
James Cotton (Cotton, James)
Discography  (total 24 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Cotton Mouth Man - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 2013 Cotton Mouth Man 13 00:48:49
Giant - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 2010 Giant 12 00:48:20
Breaking It Up, Breaking It Down (Split) - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 2007 Breaking It Up, Breaking It Down (Split)
[Split with Johnny Winter ]
11 00:59:16
Baby, Don't You Tear My Clothes - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 2004 Baby, Don't You Tear My Clothes 13 00:53:15
35th Anniversary Jam - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 2002 35th Anniversary Jam 12 00:53:01
It Was A Very Good Year - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 2001 It Was A Very Good Year 10 00:46:50
Fire Down Under The Hill - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 2000 Fire Down Under The Hill 10 00:51:42
Superharps (split) - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1999 Superharps (split)
[Split with Billy Branch ]
11 01:03:51
Superharps (feat. James Cotton & 	Billy Branch) - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1999 Superharps (feat. James Cotton & Billy Branch)
[Featuring Charlie Musselwhite ]
11 01:03:52
Deep In The Blues - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1996 Deep In The Blues 14 00:57:36
3 Harp Boogie (1963,1967) - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1994 3 Harp Boogie (1963,1967) 9 00:27:36
Living The Blues - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1994 Living The Blues 13 00:53:31
Mighty Long Time - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1991 Mighty Long Time 12 00:52:41
Take Me Back - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1987 Take Me Back 9 00:34:48
Dealing with the Devil - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1984 Dealing with the Devil 10 00:35:52
High Compression - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1984 High Compression 10 00:39:25
My Foundation - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1980 My Foundation 9 00:34:36
Breakin' it Up, Breakin' it Down (split) - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1977 Breakin' it Up, Breakin' it Down (split)
[Split with Muddy Waters ]
11 00:59:16
Live & On The Move (CD 1) - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1976 Live & On The Move (CD 1) 10 00:41:42
Live & On The Move (CD 2) - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1976 Live & On The Move (CD 2) 10 00:39:55
High Energy - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1975 High Energy 10 00:42:45
100% Cotton - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1974 100% Cotton 10 00:37:25
Cut You Loose! - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1968 Cut You Loose! 10 00:37:52
Pure Cotton - James Cotton (Cotton, James) 1968 Pure Cotton 11 00:39:51
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