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Frank Gambale

Frank Gambale
Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank)
R&B/Soul  /  Jazz
Discography  (total 23 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Salve - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2018 Salve 10 00:50:52 320 116.95 Mb 1.88€
Soulmine (featuring Boca) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2012 Soulmine (featuring Boca) 10 00:49:18 320 113.04 Mb 1.87€
Natural Selection - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2010 Natural Selection 9 01:01:59 192 85.96 Mb 1.6€
Bon Voyage (feat.) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2007 Bon Voyage (feat.)
[Featuring Maurizio Colonna ]
11 00:53:06
Natural High - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2006 Natural High 9 01:05:09 320 149.29 Mb 1.92€
Colonna & Gambale - Live (feat.) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2005 Colonna & Gambale - Live (feat.)
[Featuring Maurizio Colonna ]
12 01:02:06 320 142.36 Mb 2.27€
Raison D'etre - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2004 Raison D'etre 12 01:08:36 320 157.28 Mb 2.35€
Concert With A Class - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2003 Concert With A Class 11 01:40:05
Made In Australia (feat.) (Gambale, Donati, Fierabracci) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2003 Made In Australia (feat.) (Gambale, Donati, Fierabracci)
[Featuring Virgil Donati ]
8 01:14:56 320 171.64 Mb 1.9€
GHS 3 (Split) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2002 GHS 3 (Split)
[Split with Steve Smith & Vital Information ]
8 00:57:07 320 130.86 Mb 1.69€
Coming To Your Senses - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2000 Coming To Your Senses 10 01:03:13 320 144.9 Mb 2.02€
The Light Beyond (Split) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2000 The Light Beyond (Split)
[Split with Steve Smith & Vital Information ]
10 00:59:05 320 135.44 Mb 1.98€
Imagery Suite (feat.) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 2000 Imagery Suite (feat.)
[Featuring Maurizio Colonna ]
12 00:46:30 256 85.37 Mb 1.99€
Show Me What You Can Do... (feat.) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1998 Show Me What You Can Do... (feat.)
[Featuring Steve Smith & Vital Information ]
9 00:57:37 320 132.05 Mb 1.83€
Absolutely Live (in Poland)  (with Krzysztof Zawadzki, Marcin Pospieszalski, Zbigniew Jakubek) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1997 Absolutely Live (in Poland) (with Krzysztof Zawadzki, Marcin Pospieszalski, Zbigniew Jakubek) 8 01:07:31 320 154.76 Mb 1.81€
Thinking Out Loud - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1995 Thinking Out Loud 10 01:00:02 320 137.62 Mb 1.99€
Passages - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1994 Passages 11 01:05:01 320 149.1 Mb 2.18€
The Great Explorers - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1993 The Great Explorers 11 00:51:42 320 118.59 Mb 2.02€
Note Worker - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1991 Note Worker 9 00:48:15 320 110.64 Mb 1.72€
Thunder From Down Under - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1990 Thunder From Down Under 12 00:58:19 320 133.7 Mb 2.23€
Truth In Shredding (feat.) - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1990 Truth In Shredding (feat.)
[Featuring Mark Varney Project ]
7 00:55:08 320 126.39 Mb 1.54€
A Present For The Future - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1987 A Present For The Future 7 00:44:04 320 101.08 Mb 1.42€
Brave New Guitar - Frank Gambale (Gambale, Frank) 1985 Brave New Guitar 8 00:39:31 320 90.63 Mb 1.49€
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