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Evans, Peter

Evans, Peter
Evans, Peter (Peter Evans)
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums | Bootlegs
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Peter Evans Quintet - Destination: Void - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2014 Peter Evans Quintet - Destination: Void 4 01:08:43 320 157.38 Mb 1.31€
Zebulon - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2013 Zebulon
[Tribute by Hebert, John ]
4 01:18:27 320 179.67 Mb 1.42€
Peter Evans & Nate Wooley - High Society - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2011 Peter Evans & Nate Wooley - High Society
[Tribute by Wooley, Nate ]
6 01:04:08 320 146.94 Mb 1.51€
Peter Evans Quintet - Ghosts - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2011 Peter Evans Quintet - Ghosts 7 00:57:36 320 131.95 Mb 1.57€
Evan Parker, Okkyung Lee, Peter Evans - The Bleeding Edge - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2011 Evan Parker, Okkyung Lee, Peter Evans - The Bleeding Edge
[Tribute by Evan Parker ]
11 01:08:11 320 156.34 Mb 2.21€
Weasel Walter, Mary Halvorson, Peter Evans - Electric Fruit - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2011 Weasel Walter, Mary Halvorson, Peter Evans - Electric Fruit
[Tribute by Weasel Walter ]
6 00:54:23 320 124.63 Mb 1.4€
Peter Evans, Agusti Fernandez, Mats Gustafsson - Kopros Lithos - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2010 Peter Evans, Agusti Fernandez, Mats Gustafsson - Kopros Lithos
[Tribute by Fernandez, Agusti Gustafsson, Mats ]
4 00:57:50 320 132.44 Mb 1.18€
Ich Fuhle Luft Von Anderem Planeten - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2009 Ich Fuhle Luft Von Anderem Planeten 6 00:44:34 320 102.08 Mb 1.29€
Peter Evans & Tom Blancarte - Sparks - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2008 Peter Evans & Tom Blancarte - Sparks 7 01:02:41 320 143.63 Mb 1.63€
The Peter Evans Quartet - Evans, Peter (Peter Evans) 2007 The Peter Evans Quartet 7 00:54:28 320 124.84 Mb 1.53€
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