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Doran, Christy

Doran, Christy
Doran, Christy (Christy Doran)
Discography  (total 13 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Tribute to Fab - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 2013 Tribute to Fab 9 00:50:42 320 116.18 Mb 1.75€
The Competence of the Irregular - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 2009 The Competence of the Irregular 6 00:44:46 320 102.49 Mb 1.29€
Jimi - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 2005 Jimi 11 01:06:37 320 152.74 Mb 2.19€
Black Box - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 2001 Black Box 6 00:52:28 320 120.25 Mb 1.38€
Sic Bisquitus Disintegrat - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 2000 Sic Bisquitus Disintegrat 9 00:44:06 320 101.14 Mb 1.68€
Shaman - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 2000 Shaman 7 00:47:46 320 109.48 Mb 1.46€
Play the Music of Jimi Hendrix - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 1995 Play the Music of Jimi Hendrix 9 01:04:47 320 148.51 Mb 1.91€
Cheer Up (feat. Han Bennink & Christy Doran) - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 1995 Cheer Up (feat. Han Bennink & Christy Doran)
[Featuring Ray Anderson ]
10 00:55:35 320 127.3 Mb 1.94€
Azurety (feat. Han Bennink & Christy Doran) - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 1994 Azurety (feat. Han Bennink & Christy Doran)
[Featuring Ray Anderson ]
8 00:55:33 320 127.21 Mb 1.68€
Corporate Art - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 1991 Corporate Art
[Tribute by Helias, Mark Bobby Previte Thomas, Gary ]
9 01:00:35 320 113.62 Mb 1.74€
Musik fur zwei Kontrabasse, Gitarre & Schlagzeug - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 1991 Musik fur zwei Kontrabasse, Gitarre & Schlagzeug 8 00:41:29
Christy Doran's Phoenix - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 1990 Christy Doran's Phoenix 10 01:03:26 320 145.33 Mb 2.03€
Red Twist & Tuned Arrow - Doran, Christy (Christy Doran) 1987 Red Twist & Tuned Arrow 7 00:43:09
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