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Christian Escoude

Christian Escoude
Christian Escoude (Escoude, Christian)
Discography  (total 7 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Saint-Germain-Des-Pres. The Music of John Lewis - Christian Escoude (Escoude, Christian) 2013 Saint-Germain-Des-Pres. The Music of John Lewis 11 00:50:46
Christian Escoude Joue Brassens - Au Bois De Mon Coeur - Christian Escoude (Escoude, Christian) 2011 Christian Escoude Joue Brassens - Au Bois De Mon Coeur 12 00:45:36 320 104.65 Mb 2.08€
Catalogne - Christian Escoude (Escoude, Christian) 2010 Catalogne 13 00:52:28 320 120.4 Mb 2.29€
At Duc des Lombards - Christian Escoude (Escoude, Christian) 1996 At Duc des Lombards 6 01:00:25 320 138.41 Mb 1.47€
Philip Catherine, Christian Escoude, Didier Lockwood - Trio - Christian Escoude (Escoude, Christian) 1983 Philip Catherine, Christian Escoude, Didier Lockwood - Trio
[Tribute by Philip Catherine ]
9 00:41:46 320 95.85 Mb 1.65€
Duo (split) - Christian Escoude (Escoude, Christian) 1979 Duo (split)
[Split with Charlie Haden & Quartet West ]
7 00:41:05
Mirjana (split) - Christian Escoude (Escoude, Christian) 1978 Mirjana (split)
[Split with Lewis, John ]
10 00:52:52 320 121.45 Mb 1.91€
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