Muffled, quietly and mysteriously starting with The Awakening of the Sleeping Serpent weaves an unclear lace of intrigue, anticipating the mystery of the development of the Drought (ITA) - Trimurti concept album, after the procession of entry explodes with rampant drive, pumping waves of violent hatred, shrouded in anger and indignation. Mid-tempo Chanting the Overture of the Gate to Para severity interweaves musical and vocal experiences in a bewitching waltz.
Continuing musical reflections of the leitmotif of the album and past compositions Bharitakara restrains the swiftness of the musical drive with vocal thoughtfulness, introducing progressive thoughts into the variations of the rhythmic component, but sometimes exploding with the rampant musical drive. The epic appeal begins the Mystical Solar Eruption composition, introducing into its sound the pleas of Tibetan monks.
Returning again the style of musical appeals of black metal Om Tridevaya Namah weaves vocal reflections and musical passages in the bewitching lace of a fascinating dance. The Trascending the Flesh continues the obscurity of musical narration by instrumental twilight. After vague thoughts, the Sharpening the Weapons of Inner Revolution bursts into a stream of furious musical drive, weaving enchanting musical melody and furious vocal appeals in a single musical image.
The musical narration of the Lotus Awareness song weaves an epic lace of pensive variations, giving way to primacy of the significance of the vocal part in the emotional fury of the Tantric Supremacy final composition of the album.