The Alpha And The Occident (Rising From Atlantean Tombs) begins the musical narration of the Atlantean Kodex - The Course Of Empire concept album's tale with inspirational vocal phrases entwined with sparkling musical passages. The People Of The Moon (Dawn Of Creation) story develops the motives of the previous composition, complementing them in the more epic significance of the music and vocals.
The epic narration of the Lion Of Chaldea (The Heroes. Journey) mid-tempo anthem complements the vocal significance with the repetition of the leitmotif in the instrumental bridges. The Chariots (Descending From Zagros) combines the swift whirlwinds of verses, the majestic ballad of the choruses, and the charm of instrumental solos into instrumental fragments in a heroic saga.
Pulsating slowly in a symphonic incarnation, the The Innermost Light (Sensus Fidei) tale creates an enchanting backdrop for vocal narration. Softly and restrainedly, the A Secret Byzantium (Numbered As Sand And The Stars) raises the banners of a fairy tale, telling about the exploits of ancient heroes. The storyteller begins the narration of He Who Walks Behind The Years (The Place Of Sounding Drums) composition with his monologue, then develops this musical narration into a canvas of symphonic greatness.
The mysterious sound of the surf and the Spell Of The Western Sea (Among Wolves And Thieves) vocal monologue create the atmosphere of the introduction, then developing into the title track's The Course Of Empire (All Thrones In Earth And Heaven) musical tale full of symphony and melodic charm, preceding the end of the album with the Die Welt Von Gestern (Abendland) instrumental sacrament.