Slowly and thoughtfully, reflections of vocals wisdom, entwined with symphonic veils of musical charm of The Beginning composition, begin the musical narrative of the Ring Of Fire - Gravity album, intriguing with the development of musical variations in anticipation of a rhythmic step, crowned with vocal phrases before further artistic variations, soaring in the intrusive mystery of the Storm of the Pawns intro, enchanting with the progressive introduction of the epic sound of medieval motifs and echoes of epic sagas and minstrel ballads. After the drum roll of the introduction, the Melanchonia song mesmerizingly fuses drive and melody in a single musical bar progressively combining with vocal lyrics in a single musical stream.
The title track Gravity enters with a mesmerizing musical story, then enchanting with the inspiration of the vocal narrative, anticipating the majestic procession of musical passages and the vocal part of the King of Fools majestic anthem, weaving sparkling threads of melodic charm around vocals inspiration and continuing the musical narrative of the album with the brooding charm of the Sky Blue romantic ballad with the charm of acoustic guitar solos and mesmerizing melodic musical veils.
Setting the enchanting sound of the main motif, the 21st Century Fate Unknown composition then crowns these passages with vocal inspiration, artistically complementing the musical charm with keyboard suites, continuing the musical narrative with the symphonic charm of keyboards solos and pensive reflections on the vocals lyrics of the Another Night musical tale in an inspired unity of music and vocals, receding before the rapid vortex of the Run for Your Life composition, twisting a spiral of sparkling musical threads around the vocals narrative, foreshadowing the twilight mystery of the artistic musical canvas of the final Sideways composition, completing the album with sublime musical variations.