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Wildhearts (The Wildhearts)
Discography  (total 13 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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21st Century Love Songs - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 2021 21st Century Love Songs 10 00:43:27 320 99.64 Mb 1.8€
Renaissance Men - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 2019 Renaissance Men 10 00:38:32 320 88.38 Mb 1.74€
Mad Bad And Dangerous To Know - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 2014 Mad Bad And Dangerous To Know 15 01:06:15 320 153.32 Mb 2.72€
Chutzpah! - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 2009 Chutzpah! 10 00:36:32 VBR-283 71.09 Mb 1.66€
Stop Us If You've Heard This One Before, Vol. 1 - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 2008 Stop Us If You've Heard This One Before, Vol. 1 15 00:48:48 256 90.39 Mb 2.4€
The Wildhearts - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 2007 The Wildhearts 10 00:55:21 256 101.98 Mb 1.81€
The Wildhearts Must Be Destroyed - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 2003 The Wildhearts Must Be Destroyed 11 00:32:40
Landmines & Pantomimes - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 1998 Landmines & Pantomimes 12 00:50:18
Endless, Nameless - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 1997 Endless, Nameless 10 00:46:28 320 107.45 Mb 1.84€
Fishing for Luckies - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 1996 Fishing for Luckies 10 01:18:53 320 181.7 Mb 2.21€
P.H.U.Q. - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 1995 P.H.U.Q. 13 00:50:19 320 116.77 Mb 2.27€
Earth Vs The Wildhearts - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 1993 Earth Vs The Wildhearts 11 00:49:21
Don't Be Happy...Just Worry - Wildhearts (The Wildhearts) 1992 Don't Be Happy...Just Worry 8 00:37:03
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The Wildhearts are formed in 1989 English rock band.
The band's music combines melodic pop music and hard rock.
The Wildhearts achieved two top 10 albums in UK ans several top 20 singles.
Recording company, East West, have caused a lot of band's troubles in early years of their creatovity.
Only oneconstant member being the band's founder, singer and guitarist Ginger, several band members have appeared in the line-up more than once. The band has also been split up or placed on hiatus by Ginger multiple times.
The 21st Century Love Songs album, their most popular modern artwork, was released in 2021.

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