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Luka Bloom

Luka Bloom
Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore)
Discography  (total 19 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Refuge - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2017 Refuge 11 00:37:35 320 87.64 Mb 1.87€
Frugalisto - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2016 Frugalisto 12 00:48:40 320 111.61 Mb 2.12€
Head &  Heart - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2014 Head & Heart 12 00:48:19 320 111.97 Mb 2.12€
This New Morning - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2012 This New Morning 13 00:46:43 320 108.11 Mb 2.23€
2 Meter Sessions - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2011 2 Meter Sessions 8 00:29:56 320 68.97 Mb 1.38€
Dreams In America - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2010 Dreams In America 15 00:55:14 320 127.31 Mb 2.59€
Eleven Songs - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2008 Eleven Songs 11 00:47:16 ABR-206 68.95 Mb 1.77€
Tribe - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2007 Tribe 12 00:41:10 320 95.55 Mb 2.04€
Innocence - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2005 Innocence 13 00:46:38 320 107.8 Mb 2.23€
Before Sleep Comes - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2003 Before Sleep Comes 9 00:27:45 320 63.96 Mb 1.49€
Amsterdam - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2003 Amsterdam 13 00:51:05 320 118.17 Mb 2.28€
Between The Mountain And The Moon - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2001 Between The Mountain And The Moon 11 00:41:07 320 94.66 Mb 1.9€
Keeper Of The Flame (CD 1) - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2000 Keeper Of The Flame (CD 1) 11 00:37:08 320 86.15 Mb 1.86€
Keeper Of The Flame (CD 2) - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 2000 Keeper Of The Flame (CD 2) 4 00:14:21 320 33.28 Mb 0.69€
Salty Heaven - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 1999 Salty Heaven 12 00:51:08
Turf - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 1994 Turf 13 00:55:09
First Bloom - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 1992 First Bloom 14 01:15:08
The Acoustic Motorbike - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 1992 The Acoustic Motorbike 12 00:46:36
Riverside - Luka Bloom (Bloom, Luka / Barry Moore) 1990 Riverside 12 00:44:26
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