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Lakatos, Roby

Lakatos, Roby
Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos)
Musicals  /  Soundtrack  /  Jazz  /  Classical
Discography  (total 9 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Tribute To Stephane And Django - Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos) 2017 Tribute To Stephane And Django
[Tribute by Bireli Lagrene ]
10 01:12:10 320 167.56 Mb 2.14€
With Musical Friends (CD 1) - Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos) 2008 With Musical Friends (CD 1) 10 01:16:34 320 175.5 Mb 2.18€
With Musical Friends (CD 2) - Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos) 2008 With Musical Friends (CD 2) 4 00:29:33 320 67.71 Mb 0.86€
Klezmer Karma - Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos) 2007 Klezmer Karma 15 01:09:33 320 159.58 Mb 2.75€
Czardas - Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos) 2004 Czardas 14 00:58:14
Fire Dance - Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos) 2004 Fire Dance 12 01:07:40 320 155.14 Mb 2.34€
As Time Goes By - Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos) 2002 As Time Goes By
[Tribute by Soundtrack - Movies ]
17 01:07:52
Shinichi Kinoshita Meets Roby Lakatos - Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos) 2002 Shinichi Kinoshita Meets Roby Lakatos 7 00:52:47 320 121.05 Mb 1.52€
Konig der Zigeunergeiger - Lakatos, Roby (Roby Lakatos) 1998 Konig der Zigeunergeiger 13 01:04:28
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