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Jon Hassell

Jon Hassell
Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon)
Discography  (total 14 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Maarifa Street: Magic Realism 2 - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 2005 Maarifa Street: Magic Realism 2 7 01:01:55 320 141.83 Mb 1.62€
Fascinoma - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1999 Fascinoma 10 01:00:29 128 55.47 Mb 1.58€
The Vertical Collection - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1997 The Vertical Collection 13 00:28:28 192 39.29 Mb 1.89€
Sulla Strada - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1995 Sulla Strada 9 01:05:28 320 149.95 Mb 1.92€
Dressing For Pleasure - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1994 Dressing For Pleasure 13 01:00:47
The Surgeon Of The Nightsky Restores Dead Things By The Power Of Sound - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1992 The Surgeon Of The Nightsky Restores Dead Things By The Power Of Sound 5 00:35:41 VBR-319 81.58 Mb 1.06€
Flash Of The Spirit - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1992 Flash Of The Spirit 10 00:51:56 320 119.06 Mb 1.9€
City: Works Of Fiction - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1990 City: Works Of Fiction 9 00:55:59 192 77.02 Mb 1.56€
Power Spot - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1986 Power Spot 7 00:48:25 VBR-190 49.35 Mb 1.16€
Aka Dabari Java - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1983 Aka Dabari Java 7 00:44:12 256 81.02 Mb 1.32€
Dream Theory In Malaya - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1981 Dream Theory In Malaya 7 00:36:25 320 83.45 Mb 1.33€
Fourth World Vol.1: Possible Musics - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1980 Fourth World Vol.1: Possible Musics 6 00:45:26 320 104.13 Mb 1.3€
Earthquake Island - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1979 Earthquake Island 7 00:40:11 128 36.88 Mb 1.09€
Vernal Equinox - Jon Hassell (Hassell, Jon) 1977 Vernal Equinox 6 00:51:47 192 72.26 Mb 1.14€
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