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Freya Ridings

Freya Ridings
Freya Ridings (Ridings, Freya)
Pop  /  Dance
Discography  (total 2 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Blood Orange - Freya Ridings (Ridings, Freya) 2023 Blood Orange 14 00:47:19 320 109.67 Mb 2.37€
Freya Ridings - Freya Ridings (Ridings, Freya) 2019 Freya Ridings 12 00:41:52 VBR-320 96.04 Mb 2.04€
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Freya Olivia Rose Ridings is a UK singer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter.
Her media glory has rised in 2017 with "Lost Without You" ballad, which became in a top on the UK Singles Chart. She followed this path with the "You Mean the World to Me" release of her debut extended play in 2019.
Her debut album, "Freya Ridings",  would become her international breakthrough with the "Castles" single support.
In the new album, "Blood Orange", she continues to reach more and more levels of fame, celebrity and popularity among listeners around the world.

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