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Evidence (Michael Perretta)
Discography  (total 14 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Squirrel Tape Instrumentals Vol. 1 - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2019 Squirrel Tape Instrumentals Vol. 1 26 00:35:35 320 83.67 Mb 3.8€
Lord Steppington (feat.) - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2014 Lord Steppington (feat.)
[Featuring Alchemist (USA, CA) ]
16 00:54:40
Green Tape Instrumentals - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2013 Green Tape Instrumentals 20 00:37:11 320 86.64 Mb 3.03€
Cats & Dogs - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2011 Cats & Dogs 17 00:58:57 320 139.84 Mb 2.91€
Cats & Dogs (Deluxe Edition) - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2011 Cats & Dogs (Deluxe Edition) 20 01:11:04 320 164.57 Mb 3.42€
Cats & Dogs (Instrumental) - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2011 Cats & Dogs (Instrumental) 17 00:58:58 320 135.27 Mb 2.89€
The Purple Tape Instrumentals - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2008 The Purple Tape Instrumentals 20 00:49:41 320 115.86 Mb 3.18€
Storm Watch - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2008 Storm Watch 31 01:18:08 VBR-200 94.9 Mb 4.5€
The Layover Mixtape (split) - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2008 The Layover Mixtape (split)
[Split with DJ Skee ]
20 01:08:52 320 158.08 Mb 3.39€
Stormwatch - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2008 Stormwatch 31 01:18:10 320 179.54 Mb 4.93€
The Weatherman (LP) - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2007 The Weatherman (LP) 21 01:09:18 320 163.3 Mb 3.55€
Red Tape Instrumentals - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2007 Red Tape Instrumentals 17 00:45:33 320 105.28 Mb 2.74€
Another Sound Mission - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2005 Another Sound Mission 13 00:30:09 320 69.28 Mb 2.04€
Yellow Tape Instrumentals - Evidence (Michael Perretta) 2004 Yellow Tape Instrumentals 13 00:40:39 320 93.87 Mb 2.16€
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