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Eat Static

Eat Static
Eat Static
Discography  (total 16 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
The G.M.S. Experiment (feat.) - Eat Static 2020 The G.M.S. Experiment (feat.)
[Featuring GMS ]
18 02:13:57 320 306.65 Mb 3.87€
The Remixes, Vol. 2 (split) - Eat Static 2009 The Remixes, Vol. 2 (split)
[Split with GMS ]
9 01:11:10 320 162.96 Mb 1.98€
Back To Earth - Eat Static 2008 Back To Earth 11 01:13:35 VBR-212 106.25 Mb 1.96€
De-Classified - Eat Static 2007 De-Classified 10 01:14:57 320 171.79 Mb 2.16€
Alien Artifacts - Eat Static 2004 Alien Artifacts 10 01:00:18 320 138.2 Mb 1.99€
In The Nude! - Eat Static 2001 In The Nude! 11 01:13:55 320 169.38 Mb 2.28€
Crash And Burn! - Eat Static 2000 Crash And Burn! 9 00:58:36 320 134.78 Mb 1.84€
Prepare Your Spirit (CD 1) - Eat Static 2000 Prepare Your Spirit (CD 1) 9 00:55:59 192 76.96 Mb 1.55€
Prepare Your Spirit (CD 2) - Eat Static 2000 Prepare Your Spirit (CD 2) 10 01:01:04 192 84.27 Mb 1.72€
Decadance - Eat Static 1999 Decadance 9 01:05:53 320 151.03 Mb 1.93€
The Alien E.P.S - Eat Static 1999 The Alien E.P.S 9 00:59:11 320 130.81 Mb 1.82€
B-World - Eat Static 1998 B-World 9 01:14:04 VBR-275 135.09 Mb 1.85€
Science Of The Gods - Eat Static 1997 Science Of The Gods 9 01:17:40 VBR-249 125.33 Mb 1.8€
Epsylon - Eat Static 1995 Epsylon 7 01:00:45 320 139.18 Mb 1.61€
Implant - Eat Static 1994 Implant 8 01:11:18 320 163.41 Mb 1.86€
Abduction - Eat Static 1993 Abduction 10 01:11:00 320 162.71 Mb 2.11€
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