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Doan, John

Doan, John
Doan, John (John Doan)
New Age  /  Folk  /  Jazz
Discography  (total 8 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Harp Guitar Under the Stars (feat. John Doan) - Doan, John (John Doan) 2015 Harp Guitar Under the Stars (feat. John Doan)
[Featuring Anderson, Muriel ]
15 01:01:28 320 140.94 Mb 2.65€
Harp guitars under the stars (feat. Muriel Anderson) - Doan, John (John Doan) 2011 Harp guitars under the stars (feat. Muriel Anderson) 15 01:01:29 192 84.65 Mb 2.37€
A celtic pilgrimage (Solo twenty string harp guitars) - Doan, John (John Doan) 2010 A celtic pilgrimage (Solo twenty string harp guitars) 12 00:56:43 192 78.06 Mb 1.95€
Wayfarer: Ancient Paths to Sacred Places - Doan, John (John Doan) 1999 Wayfarer: Ancient Paths to Sacred Places 11 00:49:31 320 113.56 Mb 2€
Eire: Isle of the Saints (A Celtic Odyssey) - Doan, John (John Doan) 1997 Eire: Isle of the Saints (A Celtic Odyssey) 11 00:50:45 320 116.4 Mb 2.01€
Wrapped In White: Visions Of Christmas Past - Doan, John (John Doan) 1995 Wrapped In White: Visions Of Christmas Past 21 00:48:20 128 44.45 Mb 2.95€
Remembrance: Melodies from a Forgotten Era - Doan, John (John Doan) 1993 Remembrance: Melodies from a Forgotten Era 10 00:45:31 192 62.62 Mb 1.61€
Departures - Doan, John (John Doan) 1988 Departures 8 00:45:23
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