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Displacer (Michael Morton)
Discography  (total 17 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
Spacetime - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2017 Spacetime 12 00:55:42 VBR-320 128.16 Mb 2.2€
The Face You Deserve - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2017 The Face You Deserve 10 00:52:32 VBR-320 121.72 Mb 1.91€
Spacetime (Split) - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2017 Spacetime (Split)
[Split with Autoclav1.1 ]
12 00:55:42 320 127.7 Mb 2.2€
Curse Of The Black (Lp) - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2016 Curse Of The Black (Lp) 7 00:33:33 VBR-320 77.19 Mb 1.3€
Nine Syllables - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2015 Nine Syllables 9 00:38:08 VBR-320 88.06 Mb 1.61€
House of the Dying Sun (feat. Nimon) - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2014 House of the Dying Sun (feat. Nimon) 10 00:56:22 VBR-257 94.41 Mb 1.77€
Regenerate (Cd 1) - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2014 Regenerate (Cd 1) 10 00:46:32 VBR-320 107.84 Mb 1.84€
Regenerate (Cd 2) - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2014 Regenerate (Cd 2) 10 00:51:53 VBR-320 120.03 Mb 1.9€
Foundation - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2012 Foundation 14 00:51:36 320 118.42 Mb 2.41€
B(Uddha)-Sides Se - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2012 B(Uddha)-Sides Se 9 00:42:55 VBR-320 98.67 Mb 1.66€
Night Gallery - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2011 Night Gallery 11 00:42:39 320 97.81 Mb 1.92€
X Was Never Like This... - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2009 X Was Never Like This... 14 01:06:44 VBR-213 88.87 Mb 2.26€
The Witching Hour - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2008 The Witching Hour 13 00:57:21 VBR-320 132.85 Mb 2.35€
Remixes For Free? - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2006 Remixes For Free? 10 00:53:19 192 74.91 Mb 1.67€
Cage Fighter's Lullaby - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2006 Cage Fighter's Lullaby 15 01:13:59 VBR-218 104.61 Mb 2.47€
Arroyo - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2004 Arroyo 14 01:13:47 VBR-320 170.39 Mb 2.67€
Moon_Phase - Displacer (Michael Morton) 2003 Moon_Phase 15 01:16:04 VBR-320 175.71 Mb 2.83€
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