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DeMaria, Michael

DeMaria, Michael
DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria)
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Ama - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2018 Ama 10 00:56:52 VBR-320 130.39 Mb 1.95€
Heart Of Silence - Piano & Flute Meditations - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2015 Heart Of Silence - Piano & Flute Meditations 8 01:00:02 320 137.98 Mb 1.73€
Heart Of Silence Piano & Flute Meditations (feat.) - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2015 Heart Of Silence Piano & Flute Meditations (feat.)
[Featuring Peter Kater ]
8 01:00:02 320 137.54 Mb 1.73€
The Maiden Of Stonehenge - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2013 The Maiden Of Stonehenge 13 01:11:16 192 97.99 Mb 2.18€
Bindu - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2012 Bindu 10 00:57:12 192 78.68 Mb 1.69€
Solace - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2012 Solace 10 00:59:59 320 137.43 Mb 1.99€
In The Flow - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2011 In The Flow 10 01:02:17 320 142.73 Mb 2.01€
Gaia - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2010 Gaia 14 01:03:36 256 116.69 Mb 2.4€
Ocean - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2008 Ocean 11 01:04:31 320 147.74 Mb 2.17€
Siyotanka - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2008 Siyotanka 12 01:10:01 320 160.51 Mb 2.36€
The River - DeMaria, Michael (Michael DeMaria / Michael Brant DeMaria) 2003 The River 10 00:55:56 192 76.96 Mb 1.68€
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