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Cub Koda

Cub Koda
Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda)
Rock  /  Pop
Discography  (total 9 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Noise Monkeys - Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda) 1999 Noise Monkeys 13 00:43:53 320 100.76 Mb 2.19€
Box Lunch - Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda) 1998 Box Lunch 9 00:33:23 320 76.82 Mb 1.55€
Rockin' & Burnin' - Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda) 1997 Rockin' & Burnin' 20 00:42:01 192 58.2 Mb 2.89€
The Joint Was Rockin' - Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda) 1996 The Joint Was Rockin' 9 00:40:52 320 93.73 Mb 1.64€
It's The Blues - Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda) 1991 It's The Blues 16 01:04:45 320 148.5 Mb 2.82€
Cub Digs Bo - Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda) 1991 Cub Digs Bo 12 00:33:34 320 77.08 Mb 1.95€
Cub Digs Chuck - Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda) 1989 Cub Digs Chuck 12 00:30:56 VBR-221 48.1 Mb 1.8€
That's What I Like About the South - Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda) 1983 That's What I Like About the South 14 00:28:48 VBR-214 41.73 Mb 2.03€
Cub Koda - Cub Koda (Michael 'Cub' Koda) 1980 Cub Koda 11 00:35:32 256 65.23 Mb 1.76€
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