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Discography  (total 20 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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In The End - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 2019 In The End 11 00:42:56
In The End (Japanese Edition) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 2019 In The End (Japanese Edition) 12 00:47:30
Something Else - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 2017 Something Else 13 00:54:26
Roses (Deluxe Edition) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 2012 Roses (Deluxe Edition) 11 00:44:20
Roses (Deluxe Edition: Bonus CD, iTunes version) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 2012 Roses (Deluxe Edition: Bonus CD, iTunes version) 19 01:18:26
Roses (Deluxe Edition: Bonus CD) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 2012 Roses (Deluxe Edition: Bonus CD) 16 01:06:56
Wake Up And Smell The Coffee - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 2001 Wake Up And Smell The Coffee 15 00:49:39
Bury The Hatchet - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1999 Bury The Hatchet 19 01:08:19
To The Faithful Departed - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1996 To The Faithful Departed 19 01:12:24
To The Faithful Departed (25th Anniversary 2023 Edition) (CD 1) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1996 To The Faithful Departed (25th Anniversary 2023 Edition) (CD 1) 17 01:04:27
To The Faithful Departed (25th Anniversary 2023 Edition) (CD 2) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1996 To The Faithful Departed (25th Anniversary 2023 Edition) (CD 2) 13 00:53:47
To The Faithful Departed (25th Anniversary 2023 Edition) (CD 3) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1996 To The Faithful Departed (25th Anniversary 2023 Edition) (CD 3) 13 00:52:39
No Need To Argue - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1994 No Need To Argue 18 01:11:44
No Need to Argue (25th Anniversary Deluxe 2020 Edition) (CD 1: Remaster + B-Sides) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1994 No Need to Argue (25th Anniversary Deluxe 2020 Edition) (CD 1: Remaster + B-Sides) 19 01:16:18
No Need to Argue (25th Anniversary Deluxe 2020 Edition) (CD 2: Demos + Live Tracks) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1994 No Need to Argue (25th Anniversary Deluxe 2020 Edition) (CD 2: Demos + Live Tracks) 17 01:07:31
Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? (Japanese re-issue + 6 bonus) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1993 Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? (Japanese re-issue + 6 bonus) 18 00:59:09
Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) (CD 1) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1993 Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) (CD 1) 12 00:41:02
Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) (CD 2) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1993 Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) (CD 2) 21 01:18:15
Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) (CD 3) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1993 Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) (CD 3) 16 01:00:34
Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) (CD 4) - Cranberries (The Cranberries) 1993 Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) (CD 4) 12 00:34:35
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