In the mysteries of the game of thoughts and dances of imagination, I Elements begins the Voices Of Decay - Evasion album with the fusion of romanticism and melodies entrusted to a solid and confident foundation of rhythm, the vocal reads excerpts from ancient legends with a deep and restrained growling.
A dark charm with an obscure haze of The Strongest musical illusions envelops a severe growling in verses, lifting dreamy phrases of pure vocals as sparkling jewels in choruses.
Instrumental extravaganza rushes on the sparkling wings of guitar and keyboards passages around the Promise main motive and vocal phrases, in the chorus the vocal is divided into two parts - one asks questions, the second answers.
See The SunThe drum roll calls on the ghostly army, the soft guitar haze begins the musical motifs accompanying the frosty romanticism of the dark fog to the vocal phrases that lead their tale with a deep growl covered with meditative keyboards passges. In the chorus, the vocal part weaves the canvas from the stern growling and dreamy clean vocals phrases.
Sad keyboards throw romantic meditations Through My Eyes on so tight and stern march, with stubborn waves pounding confident drive through a dark fog enveloping the main motive from all sides, vocal gently complements these aspirations with his phrases.
The shimmering melody of the majestic ballad in the The Rosegarden introduction marches with glittering banners, then introducing the riot of a violent march with a symphonic shade, anticipating a measured mid-tempo vocal narrative. Then the enchanting melodies of the introduction return, fascinating with fascinating melodic passages, ending with a swift drive, repeating the first part of the composition. A gentle romance completes the composition with pacifying melody.
A mysterious fog precedes the uncontrollable flow of a furious Silver Spoon dark drive poking together a deep growling and harsh musical ideas that invisibly envelop the distant demonic symphonies.
The mysterious introduction calls dreamy clean vocals and fabulous keyboards passages flickering with sunbeams on a romantic ballad, then the restrained growling complements the ballad part with its hue, bringing the feeling of a dark march. Then These Will Pass is transformed into a pulsating wave of dark drive, ending with a weave of clean vocals and subtle keyboards beams. In the final part of the reflection of pure vocals on the essence of life, a brief rush of drive and the return of dreamy vocals and sunny keyboards.
Homemory introduction introduces the influence of futuristic shades, but quickly returns to the origins, playfully and jokingly alternating severe vocal phrases with mysterious keyboard thoughts, concluding it in a single rhythmic musical accompaniment. Proud warlike march rolls confident passages of powerful sounding, Wanderers broadcast about their wanderings, not missing a single moment from their memories. In the chorus the composition is given to meditations, completing them with majestic waves of melodic drive.
The main motive is sacramentally and mysteriously hovering around the vocal reflections, combining melody and drive - completing the album with the embodiment of all its features in a multi-faceted ballad The Fall, combining energy and reverie together.