Developing from a leisurely, but significant and inspirational embodiment of folklore motifs, the Wut song in the final part complements the musical image with swirls of rapid drive and rhythmic symphonies of combat marches of instrumental bridges. The composition ends with a rampant stream of metal musical drive, topped with a sparkling guitar solo.
The title track continues with the Finsterforst - Zerfall album's - epic musical canvas of the majestic anthem, setting the mood for the musical image with dubious chorales at the beginning. The vocal from growling is transformed into clean with the support of associates and like-minded people.
Inspirational tunes of comrades-in-arms and comrades-in-arms complement the mid-tempo combat march Fluch des Seins with inspiration and readiness for battle, seated from the background in bridges and choruses. The vocals combines rigidity, the severity of growling and inspiration of clean vocals, fusing them into a significant harsh, entwined with threads of enchanting folklore passages.
An inspired fighting anthem envelops the listener with the covers of Weltenbrand heroic saga, starting similarly to the previous composition and bringing vocal speeches to the forefront of the musical image. Ecce Homo concludes the album with epic passages, combining acoustic bard sagas and orchestral musical symphonies together, linking them together with the harsh links of guitar riffs.
But, as a bonus to the album, it is nevertheless completed by the reinterpretation of the two most extended compositions - Fluch des Seins (Short Single Version), which somewhat toughened the main vocal part and a somewhat abridged version of the Ecce Homo (Short Single Version) final epic saga.