The intriguing mystery of the Intro begins the musical path of the Painkiller (POL) - Suffering of Exile album, acting as an undertaking and musical harbinger of the development of musical anger and fury of the Blindfold Beast composition, combining shades and echoes of melodic variation and vocals power.
The intriguing intro captivates with the expectation of musical development, then marching with the majestic tread of the Redemmers prophecy solemn anthem, thickening the rhythm with the introductory vocals, alternating growling and screaming vocals in the vocal part, soaring with a bright and deadly whirlwind of sparkling guitar solo in the intro of the Antihuman terror composition, weaving on the basis of this guitar solo the main motif wrapping around the further vocal part.
Musical drive and vocal rage unite in the joint dance of the Putrefaction of mind song, sometimes retreating before the melodic guitar solos of the instrumental bridges and carried away by the charm of the guitar solo of the instrumental section, captivating with its sound by the unity and combination of musical styles at the end of the musical creation and foreshadowing the twilight artistry of the In the name of nothing musical tale, enchanting a line of intrigue and further power and drive.
The guitar solo intro weaves and rolls out the musical canvas of the Flesh factory main motive, on which the narration of the further vocal part confidently, powerfully and assertively marches, preceded by a burst of fierce sounding, followed by the symphonic and romantic charm of the musical image of the Wheels of fire final composition of the album.