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Aoife Ni Fhearraigh

Aoife Ni Fhearraigh
Loinneog Cheoil
Folk  /  World
Also suggested:

Loinneog Cheoil

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Ar a Ghabhail'n Chuain Domh (As I Went to the Harbour) stereo 6.7 Mb 320 02:55 0.16€
2 Neansai Mhile Gra (Nancy, My Precious Love) stereo 10.5 Mb 320 04:35 0.18€
3 Fuigfidh Mise an Baile Seo (I Shall Leave This Place Now) stereo 6.54 Mb 320 02:51 0.16€
4 Fil, Fill, A Run O (Return, Return, My Darling) stereo 8.99 Mb 320 03:55 0.17€
5 Cianach Corrach (Lonesome and Troubled) stereo 10.7 Mb 320 04:40 0.18€
6 Donall Og (Young Donall) stereo 7.09 Mb 320 03:05 0.17€
7 Seachran Charn Tsiail (Carn tSiail Delusion) stereo 7.49 Mb 320 03:16 0.17€
8 An Mhaighdean Mhara (The Mermaid) stereo 8.33 Mb 320 03:38 0.17€
9 Cuaichin Ghleann Neifin (The Little Cuckoo of Gleann Neifin) stereo 7 Mb 320 03:03 0.16€
10 Urchnoc Chein Mhic Cainte stereo 8.98 Mb 320 03:55 0.17€
11 Chead Mhairt de Fhomhar (The First Tuesday of Autumn) stereo 8.09 Mb 320 03:32 0.17€
12 Cad e Sin Don Te Sin (It's Not Their Concern) stereo 8.08 Mb 320 03:31 0.17€
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Total time:42:56
Total size:98.48 Mb
Total price:2.03