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Genre: Alternative Style: Noise
  1. Noorglo
  2. Notexist
  3. Nova Sak
  4. Nullgrad
  5. Nullvektor
  6. Nyss
  7. O'Malley, Stephen
  8. Obake
  9. Obskuritatem
  10. Offthesky
  11. Oiseaux-Tempete
  12. Olekranon
  13. Omei
  14. Only Flesh
  15. Ontal
  16. Opposite Exhale
  17. Optical - 8
  18. Orchid (USA, MA)
  19. Ordinateur
  20. Oren Ambarchi
  21. Organic Cage
  22. Organum
  23. Orgy Of Noise
  24. Oscillating Innards
  25. Out Of Focus
  26. Oyaarss
  27. Pain Jerk
  28. Pan Galactic Straw Boss
  29. Pan Sonic
  30. Pandi, Balazs
  31. Pandora's Black Book
  32. Panicforce
  33. Panicsville
  34. Panzar
  35. Panzer Division
  36. Papa Srapa
  37. Paradoxie
  38. PCP Principle
  39. Pedestrian Deposit
  40. Penetration Camp
  41. Peoples Republic Of Europe
  42. Per Aspera
  43. PerfectionPlastic
  44. Petbrick
  45. Phagocytosis
  46. Phantom Limbs
  47. Phantomsmasher
  48. Pharmakon
  49. Phooey!
  50. Phosgore
  51. Phyllomedusa
  52. Pica
  53. Pictureplane
  54. Pig Heart Transplant
  55. Pink City
  56. Pinocchio Elephant
  57. Pleroma
  58. Plymouth Fury
  59. Pneumatic Detach
  60. Pocahaunted
  61. Polarlicht 4.1
  62. Polluted Axis
  63. Pordiozero
  64. Porn (USA)
  65. Pounce International
  66. Powdered Wigs
  67. Pow[d]er Pussy
  68. Privy Seals
  69. Profligate
  70. Prometheus Burning
  71. Propergol
  72. Prothese
  73. Proyecto Mirage
  74. Prurient
  75. Psy-Factor
  76. Psychic TV
  77. Pterodactyl
  78. Pure Adult
  79. Purple Light
  80. Puzzleweasel
  81. P·A·L
  82. R.roo
  83. Radian
  84. Radio Murmansk
  85. Radio Noiseville
  86. Ragnarok (RUS)
  87. Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement
  88. Rajfajh
  89. Raketkanon
  90. Random Monsters
  91. Rangda
  92. Rape-X
  93. Ravcan
  94. Raven (SRB)
  95. Reading Rainbow
  96. Realbadrealfast
  97. RedSK
  98. Reductio Ad Absurdum
  99. Reeducation
  100. Refiner
  101. Rekahoe
  102. Relic
  103. Religious Observance
  104. Rev Rev Rev
  105. Reverend Mr. Uvaemori
  106. Rhazos
  107. Richard Ramirez
  108. Ride For Revenge
  109. Rita
  110. Ritual Howl
  111. RoboChanMan
  112. Robot Orchestra
  113. Roger Karmanik
  114. Rollo
  115. Rosewater
  116. Rotting Christ
  117. RSM
  118. Ru5H.point
  119. Ryr
  120. S-V-R
  121. S.A.F.P.L.S.
  122. S.A.M.
  123. S.I.N.A.
  124. S.K.E.T.
  125. S.T.U.G. 218
  126. Sacrifist
  127. Safe Hands
  128. Sagae, Tomohiko
  129. Sala Delle Colonne
  130. Samoilov, Yrii
  131. Samoilove, Yrii
  132. SandSpace
  133. Satanismo Calibro 9
  134. Scar Tissue
  135. Scathing
  136. Schickers Mind
  137. Schizoidal
  138. Schloss Tegal
  139. Schnaak
  140. Schultz
  141. Schwadron
  142. Schwester Seziert
  143. Scrap.Edx
  144. Secret Keys
  145. Sehnsucht
  146. Seirom
  147. Semantik Punk
  148. Seppuku (GBR)
  149. Seuchensturm
  150. Sewage (JPN)
  151. Sewer Election
  152. Shallow Waters
  153. Shapednoise
  154. Shellac
  155. Shit
  156. SHNARPH!
  157. Shrouded Strangers
  158. Siamgda
  159. Sickness (USA, CT)
  160. Sightings
  161. Sightless Pit
  162. SiJ
  163. Silcharde
  164. Skalpell
  165. Skin Area
  166. Skin Crime
  167. Skull Defekts
  168. Skullflower
  169. Slag Queens
  170. Slayv Axis
  171. Sleep Column
  172. Slogun
  173. Slow Loris
  174. Smell & Quim
  175. Snake Surikov
  176. Snell, Jason
  177. Sodality (ITA)
  178. Soerfaktor
  179. Soman
  180. Somatic Responses
  181. Sonar (BEL)
  182. Sonic Jesus
  183. Sonic Violence Experience
  184. Sonoio
  185. Sortaja
  186. South Saturn Delta
  187. Spastic Colon
  188. Species of Fishes
  189. Squartet
  190. Squash Bowels
  191. Stahlfrequenz
  192. Stahlnetz
  193. Stahlschlag
  194. Standgericht
  195. Stare Case
  196. Steel Hook Prostheses
  197. Stigma Diabolicum (FRA)
  198. Street Sects
  199. Striations
  200. Su19b