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Kгvi (Bonus)

Saltas ziemas bezmēness naktīs
Kad tu debesīs skaties
Dzimst tur sarkana gaisma
Noslēpumaina, baisa

Tālu ziemeļos atmirdz
Asinskrāsām spēlē
Bailēs sirds sastingst

Kas tie tādi – tie ir Kāvi
Ko tie grib – tie nes nāvi
Iznīcību, postu, badu
Velinam tie paša rada

Jāj asinssarkani tēli
Melnā vakarā vēli
Skan vaidu dziesma
Ugunīs debess liesmo

Tā teic sirmi vīri:
"Nu atgriežas mājās
Kas reiz jūra gāja"

Tālā Ziemeļkrastā pūst viņu kauli
Nekad nerast mieru tiem Veļu saulē
Un tā viņi vienmēr jās pirms ļauna diena nāks
Tie - zemes lāsts

Nakts karotāji veļu zirgos baltos
Trakiem aulēkšiem tie steidz lai atkal kautos
Skan vaidu dziesmu
Melnā vakarā vēli
Mirdz asins gaisma baisā
Pār debesīm jāj Kāvi

In the moonless dark of freezing winter
When you stare up into the sky
Behold the red light that shimmers there
Mysterious and eerie…

Far to the North it is flashing above
Bloody colours are playing there
And hearts below seize with fear

Who are they - they are Kāvi
What do they want - they bring death
War, devastation and famine
For they are kinsmen of Velin

Blood-red silhouettes ride
Through the black night
A song of moans resounds
As the sky is blazing in their fire

Old men say:
"Now come home they
Who went away to sea"

On distant Northern shores their bones are rotting
They cannot find peace in the world beyond
So their ghosts will always ride, envoys of evil days
They are the curse of the earth

Night warriors on white horses of the Otherworld
Gallop raging to fight again
A song of moans resounds
Through the black night
Bloody shades glittering ghastly
Kāvi rides over the sky

* Kāvi are a mythological manifestation of the Arctic Lights,
sometimes also called the Northern Lights. In olden times,
people believed they were the restless spirits of fallen warriors,
still engaged in great battles in the sky.
The Kāvi foreshadowed times of hardship, and their appearances
were thought to signify the approach of war, or evil days
of starvation and sickness.