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Band/Artist: Myrddraal

Album: Falling Sky

A lonely torture of silence and stars
Fascination with darkness, a consummation by night
A hidden desire, realised at last
Resolution beckons now : "begin the journey to the light"

Let fear dissolve and be carried away
By the languid wash of slow moving eddies
Desiring for nothing but release
And relinquishment
From pain and limits
Take the final step and plunge deep
Into the cold waters of a dark and uncharted lake

Isolation secret passion
Once aroused brings realisation
Knowledge kindles the fire of hatred
Come dry winds and fan the flames
Earth burn where life dying lay
Come armagedon and make
My last moment the last day

Somewhere else to go, to be
Beyond this world which confines me
To awake from this dream at last
To gaze upon the eternal stars
To know truth and to truly see
What has been and what must be
The question is answered, finally

Isolation secret passion
Once aroused brings realisation
Knowledge kindles the fire of hatred
Come dry winds and fan the flames
Earth burn where life dying lay
Come armagedon and make
My last moment the last day

Nothing left at all now, to give
No reason or impetus to live
Take the plunge, embrace the night
There is nothing left to fight

Burn each fibre of life's being
Decimate all which can be seen
Throw poison where feeling hides
Until no passion burns inside

Cast inside all sublunary wealth
Thrust the knife, destroy the self
Then, immolation complete at last
I gaze upon the etenal stars