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From The Abyss

Bloody Vengeance
Within the abyss his steps are heard
Thousands of years tormenting the human mind
His unknown murmurs can be heard
Waiting for the moment to rise

Crush the cross!

Tormenting mind with demoniac nightmares
Spreading the word of his rebirth in my dreams
From ashes desecrating humanity
Destroying the values and morality


Sinking his claws in Christ’s flesh
Rip his eyes with his nails
We are the morbid creatures in this earth
Ripping their pistons and his flesh
Turning all his beliefs
Turning all his dreams into…
Ashes and dust!
Black Visions in my mind!

From the Abyss
From the Abyss
From the Abyss

In the day of our souls’ rebirth
We shall leave his so long sleep
In the abyss he dreams